The Cyber Concierge is a voice-activated A.I. assistant that understands natural language and processes it accordingly. It was created to advance the way people interact with public information machines in the physical and digital worlds.
Evolution of an idea
The concept for the Cyber Concierge evolved from an augmented reality application brief for a cosmetics brand. It was intended for a digital-to-retail customer journey where users pre-ordered cosmetics and g0t to try them through augmented reality went the went in-store. It was called the Magic Mirror.
The Cyber Concierge is a fully customizable, unmanned and contactless solution that can be deployed in the real and digital world. It can be applied to public places, airports, retail, shopfronts, e-commerce and more.
Nothing happened to that brief but, it inspired us to develop it further to include an A.I. avatar with whom the user would speak with to ‘make them the fairest of them all’. At it’s most basic build, the Cyber Concierge would be able to function as an A.I. voice-assistant which would respond to pre-programmed queries. It has the following basic features:
- Contactless
- Voice-activated
- Natural Language Processing
It can be evolved to include other core technologies like Augmented Reality, Gamification, iOT, indoor navigation and many more.

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